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Project AstroFly Examples: Our Sun Seen from Proxima Centauri

This image, generated by AstroFly, shows what you would see from Proxima Centauri when you looked towards our Sun. The Sun is located in the center of the above image, depicted with the white color because this view is not affected by the Earth's atmosphere. Stars of the famous constellations are also visible around the Sun. For example, the constellation of Cassiopeia is visible on the right; the constellations of Perseus and Andromeda, below. The constellations are slightly distorted because of the different point of view.

Tip: If JavaScript is enabled in your browser, place the mouse pointer over the above image to display also names of famous stars and lines and names of constellations.

To get this view in AstroFly, follow these steps:
  1. Start AstroFly.
  2. Press F5 to hide lines and names of all the constellations, and press F6 to hide names of famous stars.
  3. In the Main Control Panel, uncheck the box Limit Visual Magnitude (from the Sun).
  4. In the Main Control Panel, check the box Use Advanced Options, and click the Modify button.
  5. In the Advanced Filtering Options dialog box, enter the value 6.5 into the second field of the Apparent Visual Magnitude from Your Position parameter, and click the OK button.
  6. Choose Tools > Find Star.
  7. In the Find Star By dialog box, enter the text PROXIMA into the Name field, and click the Find It button.
  8. In the Information about This Marked Star window, click the Use It as Destination in Astro-Fly-Through button, and click the Close button.
  9. In the Astro-Fly-Through Control Panel, click the Fly Now button.
  10. In the Main Control Panel, select the By Apparent Mag. from Your Position option. 
  11. In the Main Control Panel, enter the value 60 into the FOV Angle in Degrees field.